Where Did You Go?

I’ve been here the whole time.

Almost four years ago I purposely stopped blogging and posting op-ed content on social media. Those of you who stopped by are saying, “Yeah we can see that, so what’s the deal?”

The deal is I landed a great job – my dream job. I worked with a niche marketing and advertising group hoping to jump into a more traditional Mad Men shop.  Today I work with tremendously talented mad men and women.

The morning of my very first day I had to make a decision. Would I continue to promote my personal brand or focus my energies on becoming an ambassador for a larger brand?

It’s fairly obvious what my choice was. I’ve been busy delivering outstanding profitable solutions to both my internal and external clients. This leaves very little time to produce content of a more selfish nature.

When or where will I post again?

I worry my personal posting will be perceived as an exercise in personal branding. I question if professional observations will be considered the intellectual property of my current employer.  I have found very little to answer these questions after four years. What I have found is LinkedIn taking the lead in supporting a professional’s publishing activities.  With this new feature, I’ve wondered if it’s even worth it to keep my blog/site active.

Long-Form Posts on LinkedIn – Overview

What is publishing long-form posts on LinkedIn?

Last Reviewed: 06/23/2015

We’re always looking for new ways for members to contribute professional insights on LinkedIn. We’re expanding LinkedIn’s publishing platform by allowing members, in addition to Influencers, to publish long-form posts about their expertise and interests. While publishing a long-form post on LinkedIn doesn’t mean you’re a LinkedIn Influencer, publishing allows you to further establish your professional identity by expressing your opinions and sharing your experiences.

When you publish a long-form post on LinkedIn:

  • Your original content becomes part of your professional profile. It is displayed on the Posts section of your LinkedIn profile.
  • It’s shared with your connections and followers.
  • Members not in your network can now follow you from your long-form post to receive updates when you publish next.
  • Your long-form post is searchable both on and off of LinkedIn.


  • Long-form publishing is not available in all geographic locations at this time. You’ll see a   Publish a post button on your homepage when you have access to publish on LinkedIn.
  • At this time, companies can’t publish long-form posts using their organization’s name or publish from their Company Page. However, members can use the publishing platform to communicate their organization’s story. Our LinkedIn Corporate Publishing Playbook provides more information, including case studies.


Time to share.

It’s challenging staying  away from something I’m passionate about. I love to write, to share observations and participate in healthy debates.  I do not seek to build a strong following for my content. I don’t intend to make a living from blogging.  While I’ve treated my site as more of a thought resume I have occasionally been recognized. This site has been important to secure the honest representation of my online presence and reputation.

If someone is in fact checking me out for a potential opportunity they’ll be able to see if I have a brain in my head. They’ll be able to see I have experience in building strong solutions for clients as well as a wicked sense of humor.

I’ve grown professionally over the last four years. It’s with this growth that I feel I have something to offer. I have a great deal to share.

That’s the thing after all – the sharing. It was the generosity of sharing and giving that drew me to the social communities in 2006.

Without fanfare or promotion, I’ll be sharing a series of posts with opinions on leadership, account management and mentoring. I hope whoever stops by will take what they like or need and forgive the rest.






Author: Christina Tierney

I’m a passionate cross-channel marketer that excels at developing high-performing integrated strategies that result in increased revenue for both my clients and agency. The views expressed here are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my clients or employer.