It’s a Journey Not a Destination

I’ve always been committed to goals…always ultimately pointing towards a “success” destination.  This magical place called success I was traveling to would ROCK!  I’d know I’d made it when I got there.

In 07/08 I actually thought  I’d reached that point in my life.  I’d “achieved” this destination I’d so vividly painted in my mind’s eye.

Those of you who know me well…know that 08/09 has been less then a vision of perfection for me.  What I thought would be my success destination has turned out to be the continuation of a process…the process being “my life.”

So I stumbled on this great video from TED Talks – speaker Richard St. John.  He shares insights on his Success Journey.  I was so struck by his talk because he’s very direct – takes maybe 3 minutes to watch.   But in those 3 minutes I found an affinity in his sharing.

My take-away…I’m not alone here…I’m not done.  It’s still a journey…only now…I really know it’s not a destination.

Author: Christina Tierney

I’m a passionate cross-channel marketer that excels at developing high-performing integrated strategies that result in increased revenue for both my clients and agency. The views expressed here are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my clients or employer.