When I gave Web 2.0 presentations about 2 years ago I shared what I believed were Web 3.0 possibilities. I envisioned everyday virtual world employees (Avatars) connecting with potential candidates, engaging in “real time” conversations. I painted a picture where companies incorporate virtual world experiences into their Careers Web Sites as standard best practice. This was of course off the heels of the SecondLife wave.
I agree the biggest obstacle for adoption to these experiences is learning curve. When engaging with Talent Communities through Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) employees and/or candidates must learn complicated gaming rules and navigate otherworldly terrains. They’re literally asked to “think too hard.”

But what if the interaction levels and engagement were as simple and easy as getting to know any person IRL (In Real Life). If the learning curve were non-existent and we didn’t expect anyone to think too hard would my idea be so far-fetched?
Perhaps there could be an Artificially Intelligent (AI) Recruiter ready to discuss your future at your employer of first choice. What if that customer service rep you contacted regarding your iPhone was not just instant chat on-line…but a version of the virtual employee streaming though your Mac Desktop?
What if employee orientations or trainings were conducted by AI colleagues?
The video below is from Lionhead Studios introducing us to their Project Natal-enabled interactive character named Milo. This demo is from E3 2009. Project Natal is the heavily anticipated and eagerly awaited XBox 360’s answer to the Nintendo Wii. I know this because my 16 year old son – a “gamer” woke me in the middle of the night about a month ago to announce Natal’s unveiling. Since I’m not as cool as my son it’s taken me till now to draw this connection.
So this is very science fiction…my idea that is. But I don’t think my sons will be surprised if their cube mate is a version of this technology in the not so distant future. Something to think about.