Well…We Did It! We launched our first Social Media Club Palm Beach County Chapter Meeting. We we’re fortunate enough to have founder Chris Heuer, leading a round-table discussion without the table. 😉 The primary topic of conversation focused on “Social Media @ A Cross-Roads.”
I think the biggest concern for many of us who “practice” in this field is the proliferation of the “Social Media Expert.” I’m completely committed to “Practicing Safe Social Media” …and as a paid Social Media Consultant since 2007 I worry about people being taken advantage of. Especially those who are currently suffering from recent lay-offs and learning the job search has forever changed.
In the coming months Social Media Club Palm Beach County will continue to grow and educate the community. We’re looking for volunteers to help take our budding chapter to the next level. If you’re interested in joining and getting involved you can stop by the Facebook Group Page (we’re working on our website) as well as follow us on Twitter, @SMCPBC.

I was super excited to have the opportunity to interview Chris after our meeting. We stopped by Authentic Brooklyn Pizza, in Boca Raton, FL off Palmetto Park Road. Of course recommended by @Lapp…the www.WorstPizza.com KING. Not a surprise…the food was AMAZING! Thanks Craig…we know we can always count on you for the right place to hang out as well as a PHENOM venue for our first meeting. While Craig Arganoff may be the Pizza King by day…he’s a principle in a very cool little company called VOIS…a Social Network dedicated to local Project Outsourcing…be sure to check them out.
So without any further delay…hope you enjoy the interview…and hope to see you at an upcoming meeting! And don’t forget…”If You Get It…Share It! 🙂